Anyone know as far as copyright laws go, how much you have to alter a recipe before you can post it? I'm pretty sure everything I've posted to date, I've made major changes to. But this recipe was amazing on it's own! The only things I did different were add more strawberries, and sub one flour for another...I just don't want to get into trouble :D
I'm sure many of you know of Elana from Elana's Pantry. If not, well, she's a great gluten free food blogger, and bakes mainly with almond flour...which I now totally love by the way! I got her cookbook for Christmas, and it rocks! I have been so happy with all the recipes I've made so far! This tarte and the chocolate chip scones are tied for my favorite right now! I bet the tarte would take the cake if I had used fresh, summer-ripened strawberries!
If I can, I will see about posting the recipe when I get back in town. For now, feel free to drool :)